Tuesday 17 May 2011

5.11 I can recall how nitrogen oxides are formed in car engines

a.       Write the general equation for the combustion of a fuel
Oxygen + Fuel ---> Oxides + Energy + Water
b.      During combustion the nitrogen in air can react to form what gases?
NOx gases, ie. NO and NO2
c.       What condition is necessary for the formation of these gases?
Extremely high temperatures
d.      In what common object is this condition found?
e.      Why is this condition needed for nitrogen to react?
Because nitrogen is a diatomic molecule with 3 strong covalent bonds, meaning that it's structure is similar to that of the inert noble gases which means they need high levels of energy to break the bonds
f.        What are the dangers of the products from this reaction?
NOx gases can cause lung disease, asthma, heart disease, bronchitis and can shorten your life expectancy by 9 years

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