Tuesday 10 May 2011

Unit 5.9 I can describe the trend in boiling point and viscosity of the main fractions

a.       What is the trend in boiling point of the fractions?
As you go down the fractionating column the chain molecules are longer resulting in higher boiling points
b.      Define viscosity (source your definition)
The ability of a liquid to flow www.geonet.org.nz/volcano/glossary.html
c.       What is the trend in viscosity of the fractions?
As you go down the fractionating column the viscosity of the liquid produced increases
d.      What is the trend in colour of the fractions?
As you go down the fractionating column the colour of the fractions get darker
e.      Why is crude oil separated into fractions?
So that it is able to be used
f.        What process is used to separate crude oil into fractions?
Fractional Distillation
g.       What physical property allows this process to work?
The different boiling points of the separate fractions

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